Mobile Micro Learning
The Four Types of Helping Dogs

Tool: 7taps
Time in Progress: 1 hour 

Directions: Scan the QR Code with your camera to open the link on your mobile device. Tap the screen to move through the course. Or click the picture to be directed to a computer-based module. 

Interactive Training Tool
Daily Challenges of Ophthalmology Assistants

Client: The College of Health Care Professionals

Tool: Genially 

Time in Development: 3 hours

Interactive Training Tool
8 Medical Errors & The Feelings that Led to Them

Client: The College of Health Care Professionals

Tool: Genially 

Time in Development: 5 hours

Knowledge-Based Quiz
The 3 Publishing Options

Tool: Genially
Time in Progress: 1 hour 

Client: Our Written Lives, LLC 

Features: The course educates users about the three types of publishing with a knowledge-based quiz.

Knowledge-Based Game for Kids
Ninja Quiz

Tool: Genially 
Time in Development: 1 hour

About: This quiz is a fun way to engage students and test comprehension after reading Ninja Facts for Kids, found at